The artist Brom
I found Brom warm and inviting, with a little bit of devil behind his smile. Check him out and see his vision for yourself.
My next stop was the booth of Joseph Michael Linsner. This was a true delight. You might know him best from Dawn Comics. Besides that, he has the sexiest pinup girls dressed in vampire splendor that you will ever see. I have several on my walls and so should you!

The artist Voltaire

Lou Ferrigno - better known
as The Incredible Hulk
It was quite fascinating to observe all the little teenie-boppers who followed James around like lost puppy dogs. A few even tried to follow him into the restroom. More than a couple asked him to take off his shirt. I did not get why they wanted him shirtless. I did not get his band, Ghost of the Robot. Maybe if he had sung naked the performance would have left a better taste in my mouth. However he was fully clothed, and when on stage he just stood in front of the microphone with hardly any stage presence whatsoever. He looked like Billy Idol without movement. Every song sounded the same. But, the teenieboppers didn't care. They were everywhere cheering him on. I suppose the moral of the story is if you do one really good on-camera sex scene you will have a loyal teeniebopper following forever.

James Marsters
All and all it went well. From opening parade to closing ceremonies I had a good time. I could write one long continuous bitch about the security company who went far out of their way to annoy a bunch of geeks who came to catch a glimpse of David (Kung Fu) Carradine or the friendly giant Richard Keil, but I won't.
Some people came for live role play. Some came for computer gaming. Some were simply fans of art, music, or comics. Some came for geeky fun (I'm in this category). If you didn't get a chance to experience the con this year you should attend next time around. I'll be there. Look out for the tall blonde in platform shoes running from the security nazi's. They're easy to spot. If you're blind you'll hear them yelling, "Make a hole!" about every 15 minutes.